1889 Allen & Ginter Set and Checklist (N29)

‘It’s In The Details’

Title N29 Allen & Ginter
Year 1889
Size 1 1/2″ x 2 3/4″
Images Color
Type 19th Century Tobacco
Number in Set

N29 Allen & Ginter Overview

N29 3 Getzin.jpg

The 1889 N29 Allen & Ginter set followed the company’s popular N28 release from the previous year.

As was the case in the first set, a variety of sports were featured. The baseball players are the most popular/valuable, led by Buck Ewing, the only Hall of Famer. The pugilists and tennis players are next in terms of popularity for most collectors.

The design of the cards is virtually the same from the N28 set. The primary difference is that the Allen & Ginter’s name appears on the back instead of the front.

Unlike the N28 set, however, the baseball players left much to be desired. Many of the game’s top players had already been featured in the N28 set and while the baseball players here are still popular among collectors, there simply isn’t much name appeal beyond Ewing.

One quirk among the baseball cards is that John Morrill’s name is misspelled on his card (reads Morrell). This was an uncorrected error. Same with Charles Getzien, whose name was misspelled as ‘Getzin.’ Getzien’s name can be found spelled both Getzien and Getzein. Getzin, however, is certainly not correct.

A total of six baseball players were included. In addition, famous figure skater Axel Paulsen is present as well as a host of other sports, including wrestling, cycling, tennis, track and field, skating, and billiards. The set is pursued, in particular, by tennis collectors since it includes some of the earliest cards of actual players.

While the N28 set is generally more popular because of the inclusion of several star baseball players, the N29 cards are much more difficult to find.

The two sets are similar but different. Here’s a look at comparing the two against each other.

N29 Allen & Ginter Checklist

  1. James Albert
  2. W. Barry
  3. Theo Bauer
  4. Edwin Bibby
  5. Captain Boyton
  6. E.C. Carter
  7. C.W. Clarke
  8. W.E. Crist
  9. H. Crocker
  10. William Cummings
  11. Captain Daly
  12. Patsey Duffy
  13. James Dwight
  14. William East
  15. Billy Edwards
  16. Buck Ewing (Baseball)
  17. Pat Fitzgerald
  18. James Fogarty (Baseball)
  19. M. Ford
  20. W.G. George
  21. Charles Getzin (Baseball)
  22. Willie Harradon
  23. Jack Havlin
  24. Gus Hill
  25. F.F. Ives
  26. Patsey Kerrigan
  27. George La Blanche
  28. E.D. Lange
  29. Hugh McCormack
  30. Jack McGee
  31. George Miller (Baseball)
  32. John Morrell (Baseball)
  33. Frank Murphy
  34. Johnny Murphy
  35. L.E. Myers
  36. William O’Connor
  37. W.B. Page
  38. Axel Paulsen
  39. Thomas Pettitt
  40. C. Queckberner
  41. T. Ray
  42. Duncan Ross
  43. William Rowe
  44. James Ryan (Baseball)
  45. R.D. Sears
  46. H.W. Slocum
  47. Percy Stone
  48. Ralph Temple
  49. Matthew Webb
  50. Fred Wood