1933 Deutscher Sport GEG Cigarettes Set and Checklist

‘It’s In The Details’

Title 1933 Deutscher Sport GEG Cigarettes
Year 1933
Size 2″ x 3″
Images Color
Type Tobacco
Number in Set

1933 Deutscher Sport GEG Cigarettes Overview

1933 Deutscher Sport TennisThis issue featured a total of 96 cards depicting athletes. It was a multi-sport issue, featuring all kinds of sports, including boxing, tennis, soccer, track and field, and wrestling, among others.

The cards included full color pictures with white borders and no text on the fronts.

Notably, the cards were designed to be placed into an album bearing the title of the set on it. The albums and cards can sometimes be found in the states, though they are most commonly seen oversees – particularly in Germany, where they were issued. The album had cut slits in the pages so that the cards could be inserted without gluing them directly onto the pages.

1933 Deutscher Sport GEG Cigarettes Checklist

Here is a complete checklist for the set.

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