1888 Sporting Extra Cigarettes Set and Checklist

‘It’s In The Details’

Title Sporting Extra Cigarettes
Year 1888
Size 6″ x 9″
Images Sepia
Type 19th Century Tobacco
Number in Set

1888 Sporting Extra Cigarettes Overview

1888 Sporting Extra Cigarettes All America BB Tourists.jpg

The 1888 Sporting Extra Cigarettes cards are among the rarest of the 19th Century issues. They are so rare, in fact, that only one card is known for each of the two in the known set.

Both cards are team issues featuring early baseball teams. One is the All America Base Ball Tourists team and the other was a local Chicago Base Ball Tourists team. The cards have a sepia tone and are a larger size that makes them more of a cabinet card or small photograph.

The name of the team is printed at the bottom of the card and player names are printed in small, white font beneath their picture. The Sporting Extra Cigarettes name identifying the cards is in large red lettering at the top.

1888 Sporting Extra Cigarettes Checklist

  1. All America B.B. Tourists
  2. Chicago B.B. Tourists

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